Mlp it follows me
Mlp it follows me

mlp it follows me

“I don’t want to take that chance, I love those mares and don’t know what I would do if they abandoned me.” They will care for you no matter how different you are.” “They aren’t ready, and I don’t want them hating me just because I’m different.” I used to know someone just like you, why do you hide it.” The dark blue pegasus sighed and looked up. “Um sure, I guess” answered the timid pony. “So Frost Bite, may I ask you something.” Asked Rose.

mlp it follows me

As they walked Rose tagged along side Frost Bite, the blue pegasus looked up at her and gave a weak smile before looking back down at her hooves as she walked down the path. “Well it was in the town of Ponyville last I saw it, follow me” announced Trixie and so the four set off on their relitivly short journey in the opposite direction of the shadows and made their way to Ponyville. Was the last place that this amulet was seen.” The amulet has no limits.” Explained the blue mare. “Well the most powerful item in Equestria would probably be the elements of harmony or the Alicorn Amulet but in the right hands the amulet can be a force unlike any other, destroying cities, ending civilizations. But then, what were they looking for?” Rose turned to face Trixie “These monsters have been hunting me for ten years straight and they just gave up and started looking for something, it must be something of great power to draw their attention from me…” She looked at Trixie. “What was that about, it almost looked like they were searching for something but couldn’t find it here,” it was then that it twigged in Rose’s head, “that’s why they were eyeing us for so long, because we didn’t have what they were looking for. “Well this is new” Rose muttered to herself, “why aren’t they attacking.” Without warning the demons turned and ran off into the woods. Rose turned to see a dozen shadows stood about fifteen feet from them, Rose drew her great sword and readied herself for battle, but instead of charging or fighting the creatures just stood there staring. however this was short lived as she soon jumped to her hooves and pointed. “Well I wasn’t to keen on getting ‘munched’ either, thanks for the help Vinyl.” The white pony simply gave her a goofy smile and blushed a bit. “I-I did, I know you said not to help but I didn’t want to see a friend get munched on” Rose chuckled. “Who threw me my sword” After a few silent seconds Vinyl raised her hoof. “Those were once the proud people of my kingdom, proud no longer…” Rose paused and looked down at the snow, closing her eyes, “people no longer.” She looked up. “What were those things?” Asked Vinyl trying to regain her focus.

Mlp it follows me